Wow what an awesome post that went on for 2 days!!! Thank you to all of you who participated in the discussion. I am not sure how we moved from God vs No God, to Religion vs Christian, to Ghosts vs Aliens . . . but YOU G+ers really know how to communicate! I am honored that you chose to share yourself on my post.
I feel Christians are very divided. Just like every other group out there. Several of you pointed out the "DOGMA of Religion" verses the "Relationship with GOD."
I want to ask all of you to think about Evolution . . and I don't mean Darwinism. Just the process of things growing and changing and adapting. What would the world have been like had the Jews accepted Jesus and said, "OK, it is not for me to judge if you are who you say you are, that is for GOD to decide. Go in Peace."
Now think of all the people who do not believe in any God at all . . . How are they treated? Should they be beaten down or burned on a stake? What if they were killed in the name of GOD? Would all the ATHEISTS ban together to ban religion, or even speaking the word GOD?
I see a new group of people rising, where Atheists and GOD loving people, find the words that actually are synonyms, so they see that they are speaking the same language. There are some highly evolved Christians who speak the WORD of LOVE of GOOD of PEOPLE and do not need to fall on the crutch of the Bible or God or because it says so. We get so fixated on WORDS. We need to hear meaning more often. Why is it that you are so sure that the same GOD who speaks to your heart, would not also have intentionally created other people on the "other side" like Paul? Why are you so SURE that the future of your GOD must still be named GOD?
Jesus (hey zeus) of Florida, King of the Non-Believers" wouldn't surprise me today. That is why I think it is so important to keep the conversations going. If you LOVE GOD SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOF TOP, but NOT DOWN MY THROAT, and if you BELIEVE WE LIVE ONE AND ONLY ONE LIFE SHARE YOUR VIEWS AS WELL, but DO NOT DISMISS when someone says that they have heard the voice of GOD. HOW DO YOU KNOW AFTER ALL? REALLY!
Some of my favorite comments from the original post:

Mine did not. I was Atheist from 8 till 19 I found god on my own.

belief or disbelief are just as untenable. i just have no time for religion

Wow, I told myself I wouldn't go here, ever again. But, since it's you, Kris. . All I can say, is.. God has helped me, he is real. I have felt the holy spirit touch me. . To me, he is real. For you, I suggest you read the bible., seek the truth for you..& your life and if it is right for you. :)

+Patricia Burbank my point is . . . I know many people who are scared to say that they LOVE GOD. I think that is horrible, that people fear saying what they believe. I am harsh in my post on both sides. Those people on the far ends are really good at fighting :)

For me, The greatest thing about my GOD is that He is reliable. In ways that I've failed countless times, He is the ONLY ONE that has never fallen short of a promise. Having that stability makes me keep a positive view on the world. Without that stability, I would view the world as entirely hopeless, since no man/woman has been as trustworthy as GOD has.

Being sealed to my wife and children was the greatest experiences in my life. took me years before I could get to that point however. But I got there.

I am never afraid to say I love God. know me,
+Kris Ten ! I wouldn't be me, without the good Lord making me , ...Me! :)

Saving a spot so I can collect my thoughts on this and ponder if I want to share my story about my rocky path of Christianity and my on again off again relationship with Jesus.

I respect those that believe in whatever's out there for their deity of choice. I just don't believe in them. Ancient mythology, now that's an entirely different topic. :)

One Sunday I woke up and vowed to do what ever it took to make it in this World, I raised my fist to the heavens and said I would never say GODs name for anything, 1 hour later I was broad sided by a young girl going to Sunday school, my first word was forgive me "GOD". Coincidence? The next 10 years with help I created a nationwide service company with a million dollars net worth because I gave my heart n soul to worshipping GOD, unfortunately I turned my back on him again and spent the next 20 years living homeless, until I awoke today answering your question.....I believe
+Kris Ten

I'm an Atheist. And with that, I'm breaking my rule of never talking politics or religion on the internet (I tend to break that rule alot these days).
I try very hard to not be the stereotypical "angry bitter" atheist, but I can tell you that after growing up in the small town Midwest where there are 500 people in town and 7 churches, it's hard not to be a little defensive.
However, being angry and standoffish won't bring me any closer to understanding and respecting the people I have to live and work with every single day. My beliefs are my beliefs just as yours are yours and to think that I, of all people, would be able to change your entire belief system with a few crude arguments is just plain laughable.
I'd rather listen and try to understand rather than deride and anger.

I had a whole thing written and deleted it because I don't really have a way with words when it comes with my own personal beliefs and I don't want to upset or offend anyone for what they're beliefs are but I will say that my belief is that I believe all of humanity "ARE" godlike beings.
I really do believe in God he's my life I can't and couldn't live without him.Try to read the Bible if you can and God will give you the wisdom to understand it.

+Beverly McLaren I have read the bible . . .not cover to cover, but just about, and some sections a dozen times (King James and Women's Devotional). I was raised Catholic and attended an Evangelical Church on and off for a year. Which was the most awesome Church with the most down to earth pastor I have ever met.
I am all about understanding what your beliefs are and how you and I can co-exists together. :)
You say potato I say potato wait that doesn't work on text LOL, let's try this again, you say tomato, I say tomato, nope still doesn't work LOL. You say GOOD, I say GOD, at the end of the day, looking in the mirror, it's an the same wave length. :)

I do believe in the Bible from cover to cover and l believe in the returning of Jesus glad being raised as a Catholic you can go to another Church.There are really good pastors out there who are awesome as you said.

I love God. I feel I was put on this planet for a reason. I feel and believe I know where I came from and I know where I'm going back to.

I ask as I pray and I give thanks every. Even thought it may be a bad or sad day I still give thanks.

I know that paganism isn't really taken seriously these days.
But as a pagan myself I can tell you that I have made a lot of sacrifices for my religion.
Thankfully it wasn't anybody I knew or liked.

Me, personally...I'm either way to be honest. My mum is a devoted Roman Catholic...and I mean devoted. I respect her immensely for it too. She'll always go to mass on a Sunday unless she is very unwell. Then she'll make it up. I know that she'd want me and my brother to go 'a little more than we do now' heck even going would be a start for her. But, she respects why I don't.
On one hand I do believe in God. What created the universe?, us?, everything we understand now?....etc. On the other how can I believe in something I cant see? That can't be proved...a story, but...I do believe there is something out there that is more amazing, more powerful than anything we know today.
There have been too many coincidences for 'me' not to think like this. People will simply dismiss these via science as probability etc.
My mum and I, inc my brother have had plenty of debates...sometimes heated.
I'll listen to anyone's views on their religion understanding mine are just as valid. I won't tolerate any extremism or oppressive views at all though.
+Mike Cooper-Hollis I respect you . . . and will try to relay my weird position.
I believe we all come from the same energy. That we come to the EARTH or the UNIVERSE as part of a master plan, but we are the architect, the builder, and the demolition team.
Others we meet are variations of our-self . . . yes individual consciousness, and free will, but all the time knowing there is a little something we don't see. We are each devices, part of a network. We designed it this way, hence the rise of the internet. Every single piece of material and matter that is man made or man altered came from an idea, then more ideas built on that . . . and we evolved . . . the only question I have is, what are we evolving too . . .but I guess we don't know.
My comments are not meant to be literal . . . but maybe some people get me :)

+Richard Shane out of all the Gods, throughout time, Zeus and his family were the best :-)

nope don't believe in that book. think it's a good book of fictional stories. I don't believe there was a person called Jesus, since no one ever wrote about this guy while he was walking around doing magic. Seems to me if he exist and he was 'all so special' someone in HIS TIME of life would have written about him. the stories about him don't start coming out until 50-60 years after. How can you write about someone you didn't even see or know?
My parents where (Catholic) as they are called, and I was an alter boy at one point in my life-so I'm pretty well rounded. But it wasn't my choose, never was when I was growing up. I don't believe I ever believed in such BS. But I do believe that everything on this planet is equal and just as important as everything else. So that being said I do believe when all things die they all end up in the same exact place they were before they were born, everything - my dog, that spider someone killed, trees, grass all living things.
Very well written up +Kris Ten - in total agreement and in line with what I think.

Am not going to preach to but am going to pray for you. That you will seek salvation and have a better understanding of who God really is . If you believe in yourself why not believe in God in spirit and truth. Be encouraged not in fiction.

I am a Christian and I believe in God, The Holy Spirit and Jesus. I strive daily to live a Godly life and to speak the words of Jesus (words of life and not death). Without Jesus in my life I would be lost and was lost before I turned to him. I do not force my beliefs on anyone but I share my life and beliefs with anyone who asks. Like others I have found an unconditional love and a true friend in God. My life has not been the same since accepting the pull on my life. I too woke up one day and asked "What do you want from me?" again my life has not been the same. It has only been for the better. That does not mean that life doesn't happen because it does, but with The Lord the things that happen in life is much easier to handle and go through because I have someone to lean and depend on. I have no doubt that God is always there when I need him and I praise and thank Him daily for it.

I believe in God !
But wonder at this, there is no right or wrong. The personal decision of the individual, must be respected.

i do feel that the belief in a god is quite different to the belief and following of a religious dogma in addition to god. and it might be very good for this sort of discussion to be able to separate the two

+Cuan knaggs Good point, Cuan. Absolutely. Churches tend to wind up being money grubbers. Its not about the religion or the church. It's about your personal faith & relationship..with God. He knows the condition of our hearts & belief in him. No religion or church necessary. .However, I have been to a great little church. .loved the pastor & congregation. We were small..about 30 of us. I loved the sermons & fellowship. Unfortunately, our pastor retired and it changed. But, I yearn for that same kind of church. Wonderful.. my oldest son started going there, through a friend at work, then we went, too. My daughter came, she was 16 at the time..found Jesus and was baptized. When she came out of it..she was shaking, knealing at the alter, she turned to me & said...Mom! I felt him..the Holy Spirit! He is real, just like you've always told me! To this day, I remind her of that she so bravely fights her cancer.. God is good.. :)

my last post on this subject, but
+Cuan knaggs you hit the nail on the head between Faith in Christ and man made religious dogma. Dogma is one of the reasons I left organized religion. Witnessing and being victim to the hypocrisy from either the leaders, deacons, or the holier than thou congregation, is why I will never ever step into a Church ever again.

+Rabid Rotty I agree with you. My son and I was discussing this. The attacks that I was experienceing inside the church and the hypocrisy. My children is a living wetness of what I went through. That's what lead me not to go to church anymore. Experience didn't happened in one church but several. Family churches I don't like to me they are the worse. Community churches I find much better. Mega churches I really enjoy because people are there for one thing only and that Jesus. I still keep the faith and pray . I still pay my tithe and offering. I trust and believe that I will find my way and the church God desire for me to be in.

As an atheist I like to observe and learn. As a human I try not to judge. Having said that, I feel that people have a problem with religion when it stops being a belief system and turns into a pseudo government.

I believe in myself. If that is believing in a higher being then so be it.
Raised Catholic, I realized after my parents divorce, it wasn't holding anything together for me. So here I am.

I believe in a thing called love
Just listen to the rhythm of my heart
There's a chance we could make it now
We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down
I believe in a thing called love

Awesome post :)) love it!! I believe in a personal relationship. I believe religion is a man's search for what he believes. Once he has found the true place where his heart belongs, his/her heart and mind shall be at peace :))

Whoever don't believe in God here, may I ask whether you believe ghost exists?

+Timothy Ang I have no reason to believe anything or anyone exists when i got to bed at night.

Just interest
+Timothy Ang in what GOD has to do in Ghost existing-if they exist since I never seen one yet? WTF does God has to do with Ghost anyway? couldn't 'Ghost' as you call them be some sort of parallel universe - something us simple humans quite don't understand? Are do you believe God has something to do with Ghost and you think Ghost are 'lost souls'?
I find some people are so 'single vision', that there's no way to open their own minds to anything but what's written in a book over 2000 years ago. Unbelievable! And that book has all the answers. And they refuse to study the history on how the damn thing was put together. or study the history behind 'Christianity' and the 'Dark Ages'. something called History.

Supernatural beings might or might not exist. I have witnessed a couple of interesting things, but I can not tell if it were spirits or my own imagination.
But whatever it was, it does not change the fact that I am responsible for my own deeds. Because these deeds, good or evil, may be carried on for generations.
But I don't like if people are talking/posting about their gods. Because there is absolutely no meaning behind their talk. Save a dog instead, smile at a child, hug your friend... far more useful and feels better too.

+Ken Roach I merely ask a simple yes or no question. Do you believe ghost exists? :)

+Frank Fox you are not sure. Maybe it's a good idea to seek the answer. What if? :)
+Brian Medeiros you are sure. I'll come back to you later :)

I'm 100% sure that i am 99% accurate all the time

How about you
+Kris Ten ? Do you believe ghost exists? :)

Ghost = aliens, unexplained happening? yes. Ghost = dead spirits of some lost souls NO
+Timothy Ang - you OK with that? thought I answered that in length above? to wordy maybe?

+Ken Roach so you don't believe in spiritual ghost. Gotcha.

Who else do not believe ghost exists please kindly +1 here. Thanks.

Ok ...
+Ken Roach +Brian Medeiros +Kris Ten I have a challenge for you to prove yourself that you don't believe ghost exists. How about finding a known haunted house, hotel or a scariest cemetery in your area and stay or camp in the middle of the cemetery for one night ;)

will there be beer and pie?
Because I'm not spending a night away from my lovely warm bed for anything that wont result in anything less than an epic party.

Ain't no party like a beer and pie party!

don't know how I missed this yesterday and wish I had more time to read through these and comment right now but break is almost over and I've got to get my focus back on work. For now, though, I will say that I am a Christian. I believe in God. I love God. He is the only unchanging reliable source in my life. People will fail me. Life will fail me. But God..He never does. .He gives me the solutions I need not always what I'm wanting...but always what is best. If I see others that aren't Christians it's not my place to judge, condemn etc...but I'm not gonna lie...I feel sad because I feel like they're missing out on the best gift ever. We were all born with free will for a reason. If you were forced to believe one way then there would be absolutely no glory in that. If I knew you loved me because someone MADE would make me feel awful. But if I knew you loved me because you chose to..that makes a world of difference. So, honestly, in my opinion no person that calls them self a christian should beat someone over the head and bash them for not believing how they do...that's a terrible terrible witness.This is usually such a taboo topic and I'm so thankful you were brave enough to start it!! You rock
+Kris Ten !

This is my testimony. So, please do not take it as a joke. About 34 years ago I was not living right because my Mother played church. Anyway I was going to die then a heard a voice calling my name. It was like nothing I ever heard before. I was in TOTAL DARKNESS. I was so afraid it was not God it was evil. There was something holding me, overwhelmingly crushing me literally. But I woke up and every since then I knew that God spared me. This is when I began to search the scriptures and now I try the best I can to live right. I learned that I or anybody can be saved by believing in Jesus God's son and confessing it with your mouth. Many of us do not believe in God until we are faced with a situation that nobody can help us but The Lord. You don't have to be perfect you just got to believe. A true Christian does not try to force a person to change they just give you the truth. We all have a choice as to whether we want to accept, believe and love God. I am now 47 yrs. old and I tell you with all my heart I would not trade the love that God showed me that night and through out my life for nothing in this world...

my last post on this subject. a friend of mine just posted this link to a book Tomas Paine wrote in 1974 The Age of Reason (free for all to read) - for all you believers and non believers out there you might want to read it. Mr Paine believed in God, but.... you need to read the book. Enjoy.
Well ... I have seen ghosts not just once but a couple times on different occasions which led me to believe the spiritual world. Hence good and bad spirits. I began to search for Someone out there Who is the True One. I began to touch on different religions and found that generally they are the same but fundamentally they are totally different. I was so fed up in the search. One night in my room alone frustrated, I challenged Him. I basically said Someone, I know you are the True One, if you are out there, show me. The next moment, I could feel Someone's presence, the feeling like one has seen/feel something supernatural. It was scary. I could feel my hair standing kind of feeling. Then I heard a voice saying I came in my Father's name, why don't you believe me but those who came in their own names. Right that moment, I knew I had found Him.
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