Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Human Success Chain - No one LEFT behind, it's just RIGHT

It took me 37 years to get to the point where I am beginning to understand that life is constantly in motion. We can not freeze time; however, we can freeze our minds.

When I look back on my life the pictures and lessons are broader. When I recall going through ups and downs, I was so caught up in the details. I could not see the big picture no matter how many times I tried to look up.

Today I see life constantly moving. I see the reflection of my soul in the sky, the ground, the water, the people, and the seasons. I understand that the water will always flow. That we can try to hold and store, but eventually it will be consumed, and run through us and circle back through the earth, until we drink again.

When I think about #k10earth, the vision of a peaceful world, I think about the quality of the person who will help make that dream a reality. Yes my vision I call #k10earth, but that doesn't mean that my vision isn't the same as yours, just because I named it. Names are relative, names mean nothing.

#k10earth is about fairness and equality. We are open to unlimited possibilities, and believe that humans are capable of great love and great evil. We believe in continuous improvement of our individual person, and our communities, and our planet.

We understand that life is not a race. We are not in competition with each other. We are here to inspire and help raise the bar  . . . you know the bottom bar, not the top bar. The top bar is where individuals go when they climb to the top. I do not see the value in rising to the top alone. What fun is it to raise the bar and watch your peers struggling to reach it?

I like to work on the bottom bar. I want to build strength at the base of the mountain. I want an easier climb for all. I have two hands to use to help us climb this mountain of life. My right hand is stretched and used to steady myself on the rock. I have to anchor the chain. My left hand is open so someone can grab it, no one is left behind. If either of us stumbles, we are connected to help each other. My friend has his right hand stretched into my left hand. His left hand is open for a third person to walk up this mountain too.

Our hands when linked can make a human chain that circles back to us. Have you thought about that? If a circle of people holding hands tried to walk up a mountain from all sides? That is our G+ circle, and why we have so much momentum. This little piece of magic has been happening for us. People have opened their left hands to us. They not only lift me up, but they take our entire human chain too. Some of these people on the top are so firmly planted where they are, they have decided to use both their hands to pull us up. Maybe because one time they sat at the bottom and needed to be lifted up by two hands too, or maybe they fear what will happen if they don't raise the bottom bar.

We each have this amazing ability to help others. We have two hands to use however we want. There is great power in our hands. We can hurt each other or love each other with our hands. We have two hands to keep us balanced. Like our eyes and ears, we should use caution to observe the different perspectives and come to our own middle ground.

I am so grateful that there are so many of us, over 18,000 of us who believe in being good fair and honest people. This means, no matter what your physical appearance is, or what human affiliations you may have, we judge you on your ability to be fair, honest and respectful. We have been doing some amazing things together! We have a lot to be proud of.

Right hand and left hand . . . No one LEFT behind, it's just RIGHT.

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