When I started on G+ I started like many of you, with one person in my circles. That number has steadily grown over the months, but it is NOT about numbers. Quality over quantity! What does it matter if you have a bunch of blue headed followers anyway?
My G+ Tool Box
Whether you are a sewer, quilter, cook, or mechanic, your tools are your life line. On G+ and other social media networks, the people are your most valuable tools. I stock my tool box in a way that is personal to me.
Hammer - Circle Sharers
1 or 2 in every tool box. They share circles on a consistent basis and really nailed this down. There are many people who share circles, but only a few who actually run quality control on their shares. Do not fill your tool box with too many hammers. Your bag will be heavy and you won't have room for much else.
Screw Drivers - Polarized Engagers (Commenters)
These are the people that are very firm in their point of view, but still open to the possibility that they could be wrong. They really drive the screw in, but they can also back out smoothly if needed. I like to keep about 10 screw drivers on hand. They are people who cover different areas of expertise, and are strong and classy.
Monkey Wrench - Beta G+ers
The Beta G+ers are the first generation G+ Users. They are monkey wrenches because they have to constantly adjust, grip on and move forward. They have an interesting perspective on things. Some have become G+ Super Stars with a million followers. Others are just along for the ride, and constantly adjusting and shifting with the new culture of users that floods G+. Monkey Wrench Beta's keep us grounded on G+. They can snipe into a conversation and set everyone straight. Think of the screw that won't turn; grab your monkey wrench and problem solved. Betas are the historians, tour guides and first generation innovators on G+. They were here first. I recommend finding 3 Betas of different styles for your tool box.
Screws & Nails - People Who Have You Circled
These are the people who hold things together. They offer support to your posts. They +1 or Comments to highlight what you are sharing. YOU HAVE NOTHING WITHOUT THE SCREWS AND NAILS.
Caulk - People Who Have You Circled
Similar to Screws and Nails, there people help support your posts or conversations. Caulk people only engage when there are holes to be filled. They do not initiate, they watch. They are there when you aren't. They are like guardians on your posts.
Crazy Glue - Crazy Friends
Crazy Glue people are your friends who post really wacky things. These are things that you like, but maybe some of the stuff you wouldn't post yourself. There stream does amuse you, and keeps you from being too serious.
Safety Goggles, Gloves, Mask - Your Inner Circle
The inner circle on G+ is all about your safety. No one can monitor their profile 24/7. The G+ field is HUGE. A team approach makes it a safer and less stressful place. I don't fear someone attacking me on my profile, because I know that my inner circle is there to help me out. They are all the tools in my box, and they genuinely care about me. 100 has been, and continues to be my magic number of people in my inner circle. The people change from time to time, but most stay the same.
Here are some people who I would like to share with you. They are in my tool box. Please feel free to comment and share your key tools with me and the people who have me circled :)