Monday, October 7, 2013

MINI Monday Rant - For those Who think they know Americans

I don't rant too often . . . but this needs to be said to my fellow Americans and to my friends from Earth who think that they know me. 

I am tired of being drowned in double talk about details that really are irrelevant to topics and issues. A large number of you make discussing any issue (ie healthcare, education, government), pure torture! I continue on because I want to understand where you are coming from, so we can find common ground, but you have no foundation to stand on. You Americans have the right to vote and collectively change things, very easily, and you don't! Those of you who opted out of the last vote, gave up your say, and cannot BLAME ANYONE but yourself for the issues at hand. You dodged the process, and thus the process fails!

I am often met with wishy washy statements, that say well, "that isn't fair" or "that is sad that people feel that way," yet they do not express any statements that moves us toward a solution. Many Americans are changing right now. All over the country and around the world. Americans are deciding if we want to live out the rest of our lives this way, or if we want to change it. We the people have the power and control to change it. We have the technology to do it too.

You people who assume that I want a life filled with material things . . . you are wrong. Those of you who think that I feel the American way is the only way, and I want to push our model of government on you . . . WELL YOU ARE SMURFING NUTS!!! Why would I ever want to push this defunked government on anyone else???

Those of you who are, overly sensitive, looking for a fight, want to just point fingers. . . you all need to GROW UP or OPT OUT. If you want to be in a world where everything is equal and all things are done for you . . . the US Prison system seems to be a great option.

If you want to tell me about equality, then first tell me exactly what equality means. Who decides what is equal? How are you going to enforce your policies?

If you are going to say that all children deserve the same education, then tell me how you are going to make it happen.

Does the good of the many out weigh the needs of the few?

Even basic questions like, at what point is a human created, and at what point do they receive rights . . . isn't a topic that any people are talking about.

If we can't even define what a human is and what rights humans have, at which point those rights are taken away, and who gets to decide. . . well you really can't talk about anything then. . .

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